
Photographer @crystalina.ihde
Venue @ Tenaya Lodge

I was so excited when Kim had reached out and said their wedding was going to be towards Yosemite at Tenaya Lodge. It was a small, intimate and beautiful wedding.

I was panicking on my way up there though! Since it was up towards the mountains there is only one way up there. On my way up there, there was an accident on the one road heading there! Traffic came to a complete stop and navigation said I wasn't going to be there till 2 hours later! (At that point I was freaking out.) I was on the verge of tears when I called Kim to let her know what was going on. (She was a literal sweetheart and was completely understanding.) My husband who was driving was luckily able to make a u-turn! (We waited in traffic at least 20 minutes with NO movement.) LUCKILY navigation took us around the mountain and we made it about 20 minutes late. I was so relieved that I didn't miss their beautiful wedding.